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Francesca Cartelli nasce a Parma nel maggio del 1980. Ha un piccolo studio in un vecchio casale di campagna, dove vive con il marito, tre gatti e una tartaruga.

Ha sempre svolto mansioni impiegatizie e commerciali e si avvicina alla pittura da autodidatta, rivelando l'innata propensione per le arti visive che esprime nel raffinato uso del colore.

Appassionata fin in giovane età all'arte, ha sempre provato il desiderio di sperimentarne le sue possibili espressioni: fotografia analogica, poesia, disegno, pittura.

Ha, inoltre, un grande interesse per l'architettura, il design, l'antiquariato e la musica, da cui trae ispirazione.

L'impronta dei suoi dipinti ad acquerello è prevalentemente espressionista/surrealista.

Emozioni, sogni, incubi, dolore e amore, sono ciò che lascia trasparire dai colori e dalle figure che dipinge.

Un viaggio nell'introspezione fatto di acquerelli e inchiostro.

Alcune sue opere sono pubblicate sul catalogo Bazart n. 27 Dantebus Ed. di Roma

Partecipa ad ArtParmaFair 2022 presso le Fiere di Parma e al concorso "Banca Mediolanum"

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Stadium Seats calcestruzzo


Francesca is an artist from Northern Italy. Born on May 1980 and bred in Parma, she now lives in the countryside surrounding the quaint city, in an old farmhouse that she lovingly restored with her husband.

After graduation she had a variety of jobs, however, two years ago, as a self-taught artist she embarked on a new chapter in her life, devoting herself fully to painting.

Her strong propensity for the arts comes forth in different ways: analogical photography, painting and poetry, as well as a passion for architecture, design, antiques and, most importantly, music.

She has participated in an internationalart fair, such as the ArtParmaFair, at which she exhibited on March 2022, and some of her works are published on Bazart collection n. 27 by the Margutta Gallery in Rome.

"Using mainly watercolors on canvas, sometimes combined with the use of ink, my works are inspired by the subconscious and dreams. I do not aim at conveying a specific message, rather mine is a need for expression, an urge; and when I paint, I give free expression to my feelings, my dreams, and my nightmares too.

The theme of the mask, as a concealment of feelings and personality, also fascinates me. My creatures are often faceless or eyeless, in a grey or black suspended state. But colors are important too; in contrast with the subjects’ appearance, colours stand out.

Diagnosed with a chronic disease at the age of 34, I have lived moments of fear and pain, and eventually accepted those fears, experimenting with color in a dark world."

Bio: Bio
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